Welcome to the home page of the Texas Mental Health Institute (TMHI).  TMHI is dedicated to developing the concept of "mental health" beyond simply being a euphemism for "mental illness."  While TMHI recognizes the importance of addressing the needs of those who have mental illnesses, TMHI also recognizes that mental health lies on a continuum with no known theoretical upper limits.  Consequently, TMHI advocates for an expansion of how we define the expression, "Mental Health."  Thinking of mental health in this way is consistent with ideas that TMHI founder, John Tennison, MD, has developed at www.ultimatology.org.  Attempting to maximize mental health along the continuum is a practice that Dr. Tennison calls "ultimalogical psychiatry."

    At this time, the Texas Mental Health Institute is not a clinical endeavor or an inpatient facility.  Rather, we are primarily a "think tank" and public advocacy organization.  However, we will work with clients by appointment on an individual, non-clinical basis.

    Dr. Tennison, a general psychiatric physician, is available to speak to groups and organizations about how they can apply ultimalogical principles to enhance individual quality of life, or to enhance the public mental health of organizations or society in general.

    For more information on ultimalogical psychiatry, to schedule an appointment, or to schedule a speaking engagement, email Dr. Tennison at tennison@texasmentalhealth.com or call 210-884-0990.

    The Texas Mental Health Institute's mailing address is: P.O. Box 40172, San Antonio, TX  78229.

    To access online psychiatric publications by Dr. Tennison, see www.psychiatricjournal.com.

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