by John Tennison, MD, March 2002)
(Views expressed
in these various websites do not necessarily represent the views of The
Psychiatric Journal or of Texas Psychiatry Associates. Rather, this list is intended to
democratically exemplify a variety of perspectives related to psychiatry.)
The Psychiatric Journal www.psychiatricjournal.com
Mind Science Foundation www.mindscience.org
San Antonio C. G. Jung Center www.jungsa.com
Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians www.txpsych.org
American Psychological Association www.apa.org
American Psychoanalytic Association www.apsa.org
American Neurological Association www.aneuroa.org
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology www.abpn.org
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry www.groupadpsych.org
American College of Psychiatrists www.acpsych.org
American Association of Directors of
Residency Training www.aadprt.org
Association for Academic Psychiatry www.hsc.wvu.edu/aap
World Psychiatric Association www.wpanet.org
The American Psychological and
Association www.apapa.net
American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry www.aacap.org
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill www.nami.org
American Association of Chairs
of Departments of
Psychiatry www.aacdp.org
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law www.aapl.org
Educational and Database Sites
Whole Brain Atlas www.med.harvard.edu/AANLIB/home.html
Psychiacomp www.psychiacomp.com
Online Psychiatric Journals
Clinical Psychiatry News www.eclinicalpsychiatrynews.com
Journals of American Psychiatric Publishing www.psychiatryonline.org
The Psychiatric Journal www.psychiatricjournal.com
Council on Spiritual Practices www.csp.org
The Religious Movements Homepage www.religiousmovements.org
George Washington Institute for Spirituality
Health www.gwish.org
International Conference on Science and
Consciousness www.bizspirit.com/science
International Conference on Altered States
of Consciousness www.bizspirit.com/alteredstates
Association for Transpersonal Psychology www.atpweb.org
Erowid (Information on Recreational Drugs) www.erowid.org
Heffter Research Institute www.heffter.org
Spiritual Psychiatry Net www.spiritualpsychiatry.net
Sites that are Critical of “Organized” or
“Institutionalized” Psychiatry
Antipsychiatry Coalition www.antipsychiatry.com
Critical Psychiatry Network www.critpsynet.freeuk.com
Associazione Oikos www.oikos.org/antipsicen.htm